Wow-I think I may officially be the worst blogger ever. Time has gone by so fast lately and I really do want to catch up on some highlights, so this will be short and sweet. I will try to do better and hopefully I won't be doing this all over again in December! So the biggest and most exciting thing that has happened since July is that we added a new little member to the McIntire family! He is by far the cutest and the hairiest-sorry babe. ;) His name is El Tigre and we couldn't love him more! 
He used to be so tiny! Look at those ears!
I suppose we added another member to our family in October as well-Dustin's new Dodge Ram. He was able to get a steal of a deal and we traded in our beloved Dakota. He loves it and I guess I do to! We picked it up in Littleton, CO and did a quick drive around downtown Denver. I really like Denver. If I couldn't live in Utah or Idaho, I think I would move to Denver.

We Had Thanksgiving in Rexburg and it was really fun! Unfortunately I didn't take my camera so I don't have any pictures from it. :( My mom sang in the Thanksgiving choir and it was great! There is no better way to start of the holiday season. We had a delicious dinner at my mom and dad's house-Connor made a fancy turkey, and Andrea made some other stuff, I just can't remember...Mom and I worked on potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Rolls, and dessert. I am so thankful for my wonderful family, and even more thankful we get to be together as a family for eternity. Also, my brother hit his one year mark on the mission! He is doing a great job in the Dominican Republic! Love you KRISTOPHER!
For Christmas we went South to warm and sunny California! I am lucky to have great inlaws-it was nice be able to go to the beach during the break. A little weird, but nice. Again, we didn't have a camera to take pictures with. :( We got one as a Christmas present but it didn't come in the mail until we were already home. I love the Christmas season. I love how everyone is just a little better version of themselves and realizes what is really important. We went to "Scrooge" at the Glendale theater to kick things off and were completely spoiled by Santa :)